Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Ten Things About Me

My cousin did this in her blog, and I decided that I wanted to do the same thing. I'm going to do more recent things about me, and also things that probably no one knows like at all. Anyway, here it goes:

1. I go through random obsessions when I'll only drink or eat something all the time until I discover something else I like. I don't eat the same thing for every meal, but it will be a food that's associated with one particular meal. For example, right now I'm obsessed with oatmeal and eat it everyday for breakfast. I'm also super obsessed with green tea and drink it about three times a day on average.

2. I love Youtube. Like seriously love it. I try to finish all my school work quickly so I can go on Youtube and watch videos. I'm obsessed with hair routine videos. I just love watching what products people use in their hair to make it look nice.

3. I have rekindled my love for Recess. I've watched every episode again on Youtube and also watch it everyday at 1:30 on Family. I'm constantly quoting lines from it.

4. I only watch old TV shows like "Full House", "Growing Pains", "Boy Meets World", and "Saved By the Bell". Those are my faves. I don't know anything about these new shows on.

5. I usually listen to artists that no one knows about yet. I feel cool asking someone if they've heard of this band, so they say "no" and I can be like, well you should listen to them.

6. I really love poetry and run to the poetry section when I go to Indigo even though I know everything they have there. I can't say I understand it, but I guess I feel cooler when I'm like yeah, I study poetry. Take that!

7. I pretty much only wear my glasses when I want to look artsy or like an intellectual. I'll go to a cafe, pull out some book I don't understand, but looks challenging, and wear my glasses (I guess I'm admitting to be somewhat of a fake, but seriously, who isn't fake sometimes?).

8. I love dark coloured nail polish. I'm on the hunt for a purply black colour (okay so this is recent).

9. Recently, I've had a newfound love for Canada and pretty much every class I'm taking this year has something to do with this country. I've lived here my whole life, but I just want to know more about where I live and develop some national pride.

10. I want a sister! Like so bad!

P.S. I came up with these on the train ride home. Yeah, I was bored and my iPod wasn't cutting it.

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