Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Something to Think About

I basically never use this blog, and it's such a waste, but I decided I'm going to post two things today because I had planned to write something else, but I just thought of this like five minutes ago. So here it goes I guess.

I was just downstairs telling my mom I wanted to get another hole in my ear and she got pretty angry and told me there was no way I was doing that. Jokingly, I asked her why. So she gives the typical "Christian mom" answer and starts quoting Scripture, telling me that the Bible says you shouldn't have any piercings and that women should dress modest. Two verses that are so completely different, from different time periods, and written for different groups of people.

This got me thinking about why we do stuff like this. I mean I know the Bible says that we need to obey our parents, which is why I wouldn't actually get a piercing, but I don't understand why we pick and choose what we want to believe in the Bible. I find that if there's something in our society we don't like, we go to the Bible, find something that's remotely about that topic, or interpret a verse to fit with our view, totally taking things out of context. When there's something we think is okay, if there's a verse about it in the Bible, we ignore it and say that it doesn't apply to today's society.

So why when the Bible talks about piercings and tattoos in Leviticus do Christians get so defensive and say these things are wrong, when they don't know why that particular verse was written, but when there's something in the Old Testament that says don't eat this particular food, we ignore it and say that doesn't apply to us?

I don't have an answer, but I just find it curious. If we believe one thing in the Bible and apply it to our lives, why don't we believe the entire book? Or why do we constantly take things out of context to fit our viewpoint? Some things are very clear in the Bible, but when it comes to these "grey" issues, there's so much debate. Anyway, that's it. I wish I had an answer, but it's just something to think about.

The End.


  1. I like this Sabrina! I've thought about it too! It is funny though, since some things were written to people at the time... just like in the NT somewhere it talks about women keeping silent in church and other things like that that is different today. so why are some things still applied? i think we have to understand that society is different now, and do according to what we feel is right according to our ability of discernment, without bringing other believers down or causing them to stumble.. that's my thought haha

  2. very true bethany! it's hard knowing what to do sometimes, but you're right about discernment!
