Friday, August 14, 2009

Our Potential

I believe we should never settle for second best because it will never leave us satisfied. We are called to live out radical faith; not just say a bunch of crap, but to live a wild adventure, doing things we never dreamed possible. Lately, I've been listening to a band called Sleeping Giant, who call themselves that simply because that's what we are. We have loads of potential, power, and boldness stored up, but we're asleep. They believe that once we wake up, that's when we'll shake up the world. We have the ability to, but we lack the motivation. There's a Bible verse that says when we wake up, that's when Christ will shine upon us. I believe God isn't looking for people who are asleep to do His work, but people who may be weak or broken or scared, but know that being obedient to Christ despite those things, is a reward all on its own. All throughout the Bible, God calls the most unlikely people to be about His business, while asking them to do the most insane, intense things. They were all pretty freaked out, but believed in a God who was bigger than their issues and knew He was faithful to bring a work to completion. He called a pure man to marry a prostitute and a prophet to lie on his side for a certain number of days depending on the number of sins the people of the city committed. He called a man with a speech problem to be the leader of a vast group of people. He called a young guy concidered a nobody to be the king of His people. He called tax collectors, adulterers, sinners, cripples, lames, etc. his friends. He talks to the nobodies, loves the outcasts, comforts the broken, heals the wounded. He even will use our biggest weaknesses to show others the power of His love for them. He desires boldness among us. He desires wholeness, and won't settle for anything second best for us. If He sees this immense potential in us, why do we continue sleeping when we could be doing the coolest, most radical things on this planet for His glory?

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