Friday, January 15, 2010

Back to the Basics

Ah yes, this blog. I honestly have forgotten all about it.

So this is a brand new year with brand new things to discover and brand new things to learn. It's really quite exciting. This year I want to focus on going back to the basics of things. I'm tired of making things too complex and then forgetting the simple things that make life enjoyable. For example, as Christians, we sometimes make things too complex and spend hours studying about King Hezekiah rather than putting our faith into action. We worry too much about trivial things and don't focus on what the Bible is truly saying. Then we get discouraged when we don't see God moving the way we think He should be. What I want to do is get back to the roots of what Jesus talks about and be about God's business, rather than agreeing with what some pastor says, but not doing anything to change. Anyway, I just want to be different this year, which has become so cliche to say, but I want my words to have genuine meaning behind them. So there.

The End.

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