Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Princess' Demise

My doll still stands on that corner shelf.
I loved her and played with her everyday.
Her dull, lifeless, black eyes mirror my life now.

I would run for miles to the middle of nowhere.
Braid flowers in my silky, raven hair.
Friends told me I was wonderful.

Smiles were always put on my face.
All of Mother Nature looked down upon me with radiant joy.
I was the princess living high above the peasants.

My white dress would flow in a field of yellow daisies.
These dark eyes gleamed with joy.
Happiness always flowed out of my breath.

The hue of passion was sown on my breast.
I was royalty in a desecrated world.
My tiara was adorned with baby’s breath.

Though I was not like everyone else,
I looked the same as everyone else;
Bled the same colour as everyone else.

Life was mine and I was Life’s.

I would hurt, and my Daddy would pick me up.
Lullabies were sung into my ear as I lay down to rest.
Sleeping, sleeping, I dreamed dreams like everyone else.

My uncanniness brought along a forlorn presence.
This realization made me view things differently.
Maybe this is where my demise began.
Soon, my dress was torn and stained in blood.
My tiara was thrown off my head.

I was no longer Life’s, yet Life was still mine.

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