Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Comfortable with Silence

Music is such a beautiful thing. I cannot fathom how amazing it is sometimes. The way notes are configured together can completely change a situation or set a mood. Before I started driving, I always dreamed of the day when I could drive with the windows down and blast some hardcore tunes. The day finally came, and now I cannot drive without having some kind of music being played.

Silence has just become too weird and sometimes almost morbid. I remember driving down the road one time and deciding for the very first time to turn off my music. The sun was beginning to set, and no cars could be seen anywhere on the road, which was quite strange, especially for the time of day it was. I remember thinking at that particular moment that I could easily crash my car into something and die. I was really frightened at that moment for letting a thought like that go through my head and reflected on how easy it was to die. That silence had a horrible element to it, but silence isn't always scary and can be a very good thing.

There's a chapter in the Bible in which a man is trying to hear God's voice, expecting it in wild, loud places, but finds it in the stillness of a whisper. God's Word also says to be still and KNOW He is God. It's important to learn how to enjoy silence, because it can really strengthen and teach you more about yourself. Last year I spent a lot of my time at school alone, giving me the opportunity to learn about myself without feeling the need to impress others or pretend to like things that when alone, I could admit I didn't care for. I make this point because I've been listening to a guy named Andy Shauf who writes in one song, "I'm comfortable with silence in the end". I think we need to learn to be comfortable with silence and not let it scare us. Silence is a good thing because we finally get rid of all other distractions, and focus on what God wants to say to us. It may be hard to believe, but God is always talking to us. We just need to listen up. When we become "comfortable with silence", we can hear what God wants to say, which will allow us to become more of who He desires us to be. And that is the coolest thing.

The End.